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Probe into in a sentence

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Sentence count:243+1Posted:2018-09-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: come into beingbring into beingprobeproberbe innocent ofspace probebe in the redbe in the right
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211. Objective: To probe into nursing measures for congenital alveolar process cleft patients undergoing ilium grafting .
212. Objective: The aim of this work is to probe into micro - morphological character of microspore of Selaginella and their significance in Taxonomy.
213. Objective : To probe into therapeutic effect and advantages of Chinese medicine for treatment of juvenile ankylosing spondylitis.
214. Objective: To probe into the application of PDCA work cycle theory in health education for type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.
215. Objective:To probe into the synergetic teratogenic action on mouce embryos between hyperthermia and observed factors (Vitamin A and dactinomycin).
216. Objective:Probe into nursing method of patient with lying-in women merged heavy hepatitis.
217. This dissertation launches a multi-dimensional probe into the different fates of Pedagogy by Kaiipob via focusing on " Teratology of Pedagogy by Kaiipob".
218. Objective:To probe into the influence of the dialyzer membranes biocompatibility on serum cytokines.
219. Objective : To probe into the antioxidation mechanism of Ampelopsis Grossedentata polysaccharide ( AGP ) in vitro and vivo.
220. Objective : To probe into the rehabilitative effect of strengthened behavioral training on chronic schizophrenia patients.
221. What's more, this thesis probe into the springhead of the problem of the state-owned commercial bank organizational structure.
222. Objective To probe into the reason for misdiagnosis of infectious mononucleosis.
223. Objective To probe into the method of ICP - AES simultaneous measurement of multiple microelements in tuckahoe.
224. OBJECTIVE: To probe into the feasibility of preparing ventricular myocyte suspension of adult rats with ultra-hypothermia liquid nitrogen storage.
225. The author tries to probe into this issue from the standpoint of learner - focused chemistry instructional design.
226. Objective Probe into anaesthetize mode ever more suitable for old patient's femur surgical operation.
227. The second level, will analyze the formation process of the hearsay evidence , probe into the inside attribute, category, the contents of the hearsay evidence rule and law principle in them .
228. Probe into the nursing countermeasures of tubectomy after tu bal ligation.
229. A probe into solving linear equation sets with the elementary transformation of matrix is introduced.
230. Objective: To probe into the relationship of hemorheology,( into.html) the changes of apoprotein and the coronary heart disease.
231. The police are working on a probe into suspected drug dealing in Florida.
232. Objective Probe into the effective nursing measure of child's chronic gastritis.
233. So we will probe into the reason of this dispute and suggest how to reduce this divarication .
234. This article would try to probe into the teaching art in class through such ways as teaching speech handling, teaching posture handling, teaching rhythm handling and teaching predigestion handling.
235. AIM: To observe the expressions of motilin in brain, neuron of intestinal myenteric plexus and plasma, and probe into the effect of motilin on water immersion and stress induced gastric ulcer.
236. To probe into curative effect of comprehensively treating hepatocellular carcinoma by interventional chemotherapy, locally injecting TIL and injecting absolute alcohol into tumor.
237. Abnormality as a deconstruction of normality requires divergent thinking and a probe into as many forms as possible, which is the turning point of one's thinking style and aesth...
238. Accordingly, the article takes up a worthwhile probe into curriculum optimization and integration exemplifying Decoration Structure Course offered in the specialty of Environment Arts Design.
239. First, I probe into the handwritten numeral recognition method called method based on topological structure in the present system, and supply the detailed measures and the partial experiment results.
240. Objective : To probe into nursing experience of pyeloplasty for ureteropelvic junction obstruction of congenital hydronephrosis.
More similar words: come into beingbring into beingprobeproberbe innocent ofspace probebe in the redbe in the rightintroduce intobe in two mindsbe intended forbe in the minoritybe in the habit ofbe independent ofsee intothereintocome intohereintotie intogive intopile intodive intolace intowade intomake intomove intopoke intodrive intodelve intocome into use
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